"Tagging" a Forum Member

'Tagging' a forum member by s162216
'Tagging' a forum member

Ever really wanted to attract the attention of a particular member to one of your posts? Perhaps you might want to make them aware of something that may be of interest to them, or concerns them in person. Well theres a quick and easy way to do this on the forum. All you need to do is:

1. In the 'Quick Reply' box, or the full response box click on the button which looks like a person with an '@' symbol next to them (circled in the picture below):

2. Type in the name of the member, and select them from the list which comes up (please note that I come up as 's162216' which is my display name, but my actual account name is 'Admin' in case anyone is confused!):

3. This will put their name in the thread, and when you hit 'post' the next time they login an alert will come up directing them to the post they were 'tagged' in.
