Rules and Conditions of Using this Forum

PID Support Forum Rules and Conditions of Use

The purpose of our forum is to exchange relevant health and lifestyle experiences and to provide friendly support to other people who share our immunodeficiencies. This Forum is the opinion of others, and as so it is NOT a source of medical advice; please contact your healthcare professional for detailed medical advice.

Posts containing advertising, soliciting for research (unless priorly arranged with the forum staff) or political references are not allowed and will be removed. Unfortunately we also cannot accept threads asking for charity donations, nor can we accept threads asking for support for political causes such as petitions. Continual postings of these types will result in the the poster being warned, and if they continue despite this then the member may be temporaily or permamently banned. The moderators decision regarding these matters is final.

This is a non-denominational site and all creeds are welcome; to prevent any of our contributors feeling excluded it is our policy to limit references to religious practices to a sensible minimum. Such references are subject to moderation.

Please do not publish email addresses, phone numbers or other personal contact information in posts for your own and others safety; use Private Messaging if you wish to confer with another member (Please be aware that you must have made at least 3 posts in anywhere except the Fun and Games Area to be able to private message members other than staff). It is recommended that you disable showing your email using the option in your profile.

Please try to keep discussions about individual members of your healthcare team staff as limited as possible; although saying names is fine in most contexts, any derogatory references will be removed and the poster warned.

Please also be aware that by default any new threads in the "General Primary Immunodeficiency Discussion" and "Newly Diagnosed Lounge" areas will appear on our new thread list that is emailed to members every week, posted on the Forum Facebook page and also on our Twitter stream. Only the thread title, a link and possibly a simple short description will appear on this list; no personal information will be posted. If you do not want a thread to appear on the list, then you must opt-out the thread by following the simple instructions HERE.

Any decision by a staff member is final and not open to comment.

By registering on this forum you accept these rules and will abide by them.